Club Update
 Our next gathering is scheduled for Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, at the Matthew Flinders Hotel, Dinner from 6pm.
 Note: Updates are also posted on our Club Facebook page at Capri Car Club
Club Meetings
The Capri Car Club Inc. meets in an informal atmosphere on the third Tuesday of each month (except December) at The Matthew Flinders Hotel, 667 Warrigal Rd, Chadstone, from 6:00pm (Melway Map 69, Ref G1). Dinner and drinks are available to order from the Hotel bistro. Also, news and information from numerous sources is usually available for persual.

During the July meeting the Capri Car Club Inc. holds its annual elections for its committee members. We welcome new activity on the committee, if you are interested in helping your club run or even if you want to know the committee members that run your club make sure you come to the next Annual General Meeting.

Committee Positions:

• President
• Vice - President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Membership Secretary
• Newsletter Editor
• Merchandise Officer
• Website Secretary
• Parts Officer - Mk.1, 2 & 3
• Parts Officer - Convertible
• AOMC Delegate
• Motorsport Secretary
• CAMS Delegate
• Convertible Convenor